Do you want to use gardening to feed your family, serve people in your community, and share the hope of Jesus with others? If so consider praying about joining us for one of our upcoming Foundations for Farming Trainer's Trainings this fall where you will can get personalized training in the Well-Watered Garden Project, feeding a family on 1/6 acre, off-grid living, and more! The registration pages are now open and you can find out more info at the following links.
October 9-13th Training:
November 6-10th Training:
By the end of the training you will be able to:
We will also be covering more in-depth topics like:
There will also be time for discussion and questions for more specific topics pertinent to the students attending.
If you are interested in the training but can't come to one in-person would you be interested in an online training event? I have had some people ask me to do a virtual version and would like to know if there is enough interest to put one together.
God Bless and let me know if you have any questions! We stand by to serve.
Your Fellow Steward of Creation for Jesus,
Noah Sanders
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There is a growing need in our troubled times for people to learn how to grow food in a simple, uncomplicated manner that produces joy and freedom in their life. But to really do this they also need the transforming hope of the message of Jesus. Foundations for Farming is an approach to food production that is based on the heart of Jesus and produces incredible yields through simple, low-tech methods. Our vision is to equip a network of trainers about the United States and world who can help...